Random Rumblings


  • If you have ever been in a relationship where you have put off breaking up with a girl and then just when you have finally made the decision to go through with it, she comes through with amazing plans or a nice gift, then you know exactly what Omar Minaya is going through with Willie Randolph right now.

    Every time it seems like Randolph is in his last day as manager of the Mets, his team seems to come through with a victory that keeps him clinging to the job. That trend may continue today if the team can sweep a double header from Texas. If not, Minaya may have to part ways with the guy he selected for the job on Father’s Day, of all days.

    Looks like the end of this relationship is going be even harder than he thought.

  • I understand that it has become harder than ever to win big consistently in college basketball, but it’s sad to see Jim Calhoun lower his standards so much in an attempt to get the University of Connecticut back to where it was during my senior year in high school. His latest recruit, Nate Miles played at five different high schools and it took the NCAA six months of investigating his transcripts just to clear him.

    The guy he’ll replace is Stanley Robinson, who, coincidentally, is expected to be academically ineligible.

    Both Calhoun and football coach Randy Edsall have complained in the past that UConn’s admission standards are too high and that it has an effect on recruiting. Clearly, the top ranked public school in New England is now meeting their needs.

  • LeBron James once said his goal is to become a global icon. He might as well have said he wants to be Tiger Woods. There is nothing like the coverage Tiger demands during a major, not even a Celtics/Lakers NBA Finals.

  • Even if they win a championship this year and finish their respective careers in Boston, it’s going to be difficult to remember Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen as Celtics.

    Paul Pierce, on the other hand, might end up getting his jersey retired.

  • Give me the Little League World Series over the College World Series any day.


Anonymous 3:02 PM, June 17, 2008  

I am with you on the little league world series over the college, just doesn't seem to be as exciting.

Omar finally decided to dump the "girl' albeit at 3:15am, who really does that? The Mets organizaion needs help from upper management down to the players. It isn't Willie's fault that he was stuck with a bad blend of players that are too old, fragile, young, inconsistent, or bad to win consistently or maybe it is because he takes every at bat, makes every throw, and runs every base. We are mistaken the Mets are really the Willie Randolph 11's.

Anon 5:23 PM, June 26, 2008  

Paul Pierce WILL get his jersey retired.

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