Weighing the Options: Stay Free or Go to the Super Bowl


Talk about carpe diem.

Tank Carter, the brother of Pittsburgh Steelers’ safety Tyrone Carter, was sentenced to five years in prison after driving with a revoked license and then not reporting to prison the day he was supposed to.

Instead Carter, who was expected to spend just six months behind bars, decided he would rather get the chance to go to the Super Bowl if the Steelers made it that far. Fortunately they did or his whole fugitive experience might have been worthless.

After the game, Tank even got to party with Snoop Dogg.

Nothing vindicates going to jail like popping bottles of Cristal after the Super Bowl with a guy that made a whole generation of kids end all of their words with “izzle.”

Still, Carter maintains he would not change anything even if he could.

"Even knowing what I know now, I would do it again. It was the greatest game in my life."

Four people I'd consider giving up five years of my life to hang with.

  1. Suge Knight: Based solely on the possibility of him hanging a man off of a balcony to collect money.
  2. Nate Dogg: The second best human named dogg. If his life is anything like the one he describes in the chorus’ of songs, those five years would be well worth it.
  3. Ultimate Warrior: On the off chance I’d find out just where “parts unknown” actually is.
  4. Charlie Sheen: The guy spent more money on sex then most people will ever see. He had Heidi Fleiss on speed dial. Charlie definitely knows how to have a good time.


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