The Bitterness Never Ends With Turk Wendell


And here I was thinking that only Jim Bouton and Jose Canseco could expose the truth of what’s going on inside baseball’s sacred locker rooms.

For the second time in a week, the Chicago Daily Herald published a story focusing on the opinions of what now appears to be a very disgruntled former middle reliever.

This time, Turk Wendell –through Barry Rozner- enlightened the public on the bat corking epidemic in baseball, amphetamines and of course, steroids.

Wendell explained that the corking of one’s bat is becoming a lot more rampant than many think and that he is shocked that baseball has not looked into it more. He also went on about the use of “greenies” and said that baseball’s banning of these uppers is going to cut down on the players going out at night. Somehow, I doubt that.

Then he said that he once looked around a locker room and guessed that 18 of the 25 present players had used some type of steroid.

That’s a staggering number.

My question is why is that Turk Wendell decided to break the ballplayer code of silence? Canseco had a reason. He felt blackballed by the owners. He needed the money. He likes to be in the spotlight. But Wendell? He had a quietly effective career, nothing special. He never got in trouble. And then he retired. End of story.

I guess he did this because he loves baseball and wants the game to be cleaned up. I hope that’s what it was.

Either that or he’s really pissed that he stopped being able to get an out in the seventh inning of an eight run game.

Finally, Turk Wendell Addresses Steroids


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